PT Cruiser was suspended in a parking lot adjacent to
Barrington St, to increase excitement for the Auto Show.
Halifax Herald readers could enter to win the PT
Cruiser from Daimler Chrysler.
are just a few of the comments that Make It Happen
Inc. received
from dealers and manufacturers regarding
the show:
media coverage! You would have had to be living under
a rock not to know the show was going on in Halifax!
Great work!
Jodie Ness – VP, DaimlerChrysler Canada
Kudos! Job well done to you and your
Make It Happen
Michael Lacroix - GM, Taylor Lincoln Ford
thought the show was well organized and displayed a
class and professionalism we have been lacking in our
past attempts at bringing a world-class
show to Halifax.
Pat Forbes - Owner, Forbes Chev Olds
& Saturn Saab
thought the show was beneficial to Kia and our dealers
did excellent work maximizing their exposure. We had
heard the next show is in two years and feel this would
be best. The show was very well organized and your staff
(Make It Happen Inc) did excellent work.
Jack Patriquin – Atl. Regional Mgr, Kia Canada
Show was great! Your staff did an excellent job especially
considering it was your first show. I think an annual
show would make sense because it’s tough to re-establish
a show every couple of years. Having it annually would
take care of that.
Denis Schofield - Ford of Canada, Atlantic Region